A friend of mine sent me the following link this week so I could see how I'd survive real life only making $9/hr. Let's just say it took me two times of playing the game to make it through the month and on the second time, I wasn't left with much at the end.
This game really got me thinking about how thankful I am that for me, it was only a game. There are so many people, especially during this economic downturn, who actually have to deal with the scenarios that are presented in the game and unfortunately, they don't have the satisfaction of saying it's just a game.
We always say we wish we had this or we wish we had that, but how often do we stop and say I'm thankful I have this or I'm thankful I have that? Today, I am saying thank you for all of the blessings I have been given. I am grateful that I am not faced with some of the difficult situations that were presented to me in the game. My heart truly goes out to those who are struggling to survive on minimum wage. I know it's not easy.
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