Friday, May 20, 2011


How "bikini-ready" are you? OK, so maybe you aren't a female and aren't concerned about fitting into a bikini. Let me rephrase my question for all my male readers. How about this - how "beach-ready" are you?

Here are two ab exercises that are sure to help you get beach sexy and ready to hit that sand in that "itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini," or in those board shorts for all you beach boys out there!

1) Around-the-World Plank

How To Do It Place both feet on a bench, and assume a pushup position. Brace your core. Then, without dropping your hips or moving your feet, make a full revolution around the bench by "walking" your hands all the way around it. Do 4 revolutions, resting 60 seconds in between revolutions.

Benefit The stabilizing muscles in your abs, upper and lower back, and shoulders work harder than they would in a traditional plank.

2) Medicine-Ball Pike

How To Do It Assume a pushup position, but with your feet on a medicine ball. Keep in a straight line from your head to your ankles. Without bending your knees, roll the medicine ball toward your hands by raising your hips as high as you can and rolling the ball with your feet. Pause, and reverse back to the starting position without letting your hips sag. Complete 3 sets of 15 reps, resting 45 seconds between sets.

Benefit You improve balance and engage your hips flexors and rectus abdominis—your six-pack muscles.

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