Friday, May 4, 2012


This probably isn't something you haven't heard before. We all know there are so many positive benefits of eating right, exercising daily and getting our beauty sleep. So why don't we all do these three simple things? Because we let "life" take control and we allow ourselves to make excuses and poor decisions that affect our health in negative ways.

I'm just as guilty as anyone and know that I need to make changes.

When I eat right, I feel SOOO good. Fresh, healthy, organic food tastes so much better than the salty, fatty crap that is so easy to grab. And when you get in the habit of going to the grocery store every week and sticking to the outer perimeter of the store, you will make good decisions and buy what your body needs. Before long, you won't even crave the crap...the good food is what you'll crave.

Exercising is one of the easiest things to put off and it's also one of the easiest things to do. No one says you have to train daily like a body builder. Take your dog for a walk. Do a few sit ups and push ups during the commercial break of the TV show that you just can't miss. It's the little things that matter. The point is to just get up and do SOMETHING. Just MOVE and burn some calories! Now, if you want dramatic results, then you've gotta do more than the little things listed above but my point is, there is really NO reason you can't fit in some form of exercise on a daily basis.

Go to bed. My friends all make fun of me because by 10 pm, I'm done! I don't like going out very often because honestly, after 10pm I just turn into a pumpkin. I don't like being up til 2am and then wasting the whole next day sleeping to try to make up for it. I know my body and I don't do well without sleep. I need more than a couple hours to function. Not only do I feel fatigued if I don't go to bed at a decent hour, but then I'm more likely to want to eat crap and skip my exercise and then guess what...I usually end up getting sick! Not worth it to me...

So if these three little things can give us so many positive things in return, then why don't we do them every single day? I'm willing to make the change - are you with me?!

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