I am SO excited for Chalene Johnson's Camp Do More 2011 which starts tomorrow and goes through Sunday! I have been looking forward to this event for an entire YEAR and feel SO lucky that I get to attend.
If you didn't already know, this event sells out within a couple very short hours of registration opening up. I was one of the unfortunate people who missed the deadline, but because I am part of Chalene's Elite Video Talent Team, I scored a free ticket, and could not be more grateful or more anxious for the next four days. Just another perk of being on the EVTT!
Over the next four days, we'll be working out with Chalene, listening to her give POWERFUL and MOTIVATIONAL lessons, we'll see the all the new HOT TurboWear at the Fashion Show (and rumor has it I have been selected to model down the runway WOOT WOOT!) and I'll be surrounded by Turbo Fanatics from all over the country! Hello, it's THE event to be at!
I'm counting down the hours and can't wait to meet so many people who I will soon call my friends!
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